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Resin Bases For 28 mm Wargame Miniatures That Make Your Models Stand Out On The Tabletop
Well It really didn’t go anywhere, I’m just taking some time to update it a bit with new better images
Ive also added a 180 mm Az-Tech sun calendar in the Diorama Details section.
You can find the Az-Tech Range here.
Painted Az-Tech Sun Calendar
Painted with Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl Paint
Black Primer
Sprayed with Pro Acryl Dark Bronze
Washed with Pro Acryl Green Oxide
Drybrush with Pro Acryl Bronze
Final highlight Drybrush with Pro Acryl White Gold
Quick and simple but effective.
Aaron Lovejoy from Miniature Monthly did a recent review of some base sets from my Reliquary base rage.
Check the video out here.
Painting Sanctuary in Sandstone Colors
I painted up some my new Sanctuary Oval Base Sets in Sandstone colors.
These are the steps I took , as always results may vary but this is how I achieved it.
Unless otherwise noted, all colors are by Monumental Hobbies Pro Acryl (MPA) range and Games Workshop Citadel Colour (CC) range.
1. Once the base had been cleaned and washed and dried, I applied a Gray Primer. I usually airbrush primer and base colors but I was lazy and used a rattle can for the primer.
2. Once dry I applied by brush a base coat MPH Golden Brown to cover the entire base.
3. Once the base coat was fully dry, I applied a very thin wash of MPA Burnt Sienna to give a slight reddish tone.
4. One dry, I used CC Agrax Earthshade to pin wash all the cracks/lines in between the the stones.
5. Once dry, I dry brushed the entire base with MPA Khaki followed by a lighter drybrush of MPA Pale Yellow.
6. The final color was a very light dry brush of CC Screaming Skull to pick out some edges.
A small grass tuft was added in the rubble area.
The edge was painted with CC Steel Legion Drab.
This pretty much sums it up. You could change the tone of the color by using a different wash color. Trying a purple, blue or even green tones could work.
* I’ve edited this post a few time as I try and perfect the recipe so keep checking back as I may have more edits.